Manage stress by breathing correctly
We all need a certain amount of stress. Without it, we can’t move nor achieve much in life, and we would most likely feel stagnated. On the other hand, many of us have also observed people in an uncontrolled state of stress, to the point that their energy levels collapse. There is a solution to […]
What you can expect from regular breathwork exercise
I’ve been practising breathing exercises for 20 years, and I clearly remember my first experiences. Although the early sensations evolve with time, the first perceptions are unforgettable. I would like to share with you what you can expect from regular breathwork exercise, based on the effects I have gained from it. More vitality In my […]
5 Steps to develop your Meditation Routine
Meditation is an ancient tradition that should be incorporated in modern times. By following the steps below, you too can easily succeed in becoming an excellent meditator. Step 1: HAVE A CLEAR IDEA OF WHAT YOU WANT TO PRACTISE It is important to know which specific technique you want to do before you start your […]
5 great tips to become a good meditation practitioner!
Let’s be honest, meditation is not easy! A new routine is always a challenge, even if it is a healthy one and it can still be difficult to transform it into a habit. In the case of starting a regular meditation practice, from my years of experience both personally and as a teacher, I can […]
How effective is meditation on its own?
Lately I have been doing some experiments to verify the principles of the ancient philosophy I have been studying and practising for the last two decades, utilising the incredible technology we have available to us today. This week I did a really interesting experiment to answer an important question; how do I get the most […]
Q&A about Breathing Techniques from the DeROSE Method
1. How long does it typically take to relearn how to breathe, and optimise the breathing we are doing? It seems funny to say “relearn how to breathe”. After all, everyone is already breathing. However, this is deceptive. Just like there is a technique for optimising the way you run, walk, or even type, there […]
But what is meditation actually?
“Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intellect, in my opinion.” Steve Jobs There are meditation techniques, and there is a state of meditation; they are two different things. Meditation techniques divide into three types; abstraction (pratyáhára), concentration (dháraná) and meditation (dhyána). Each technique evolves from the previous one. When you first sit […]
Breathing to sleep better
While falling asleep should be a very natural process, it is a widespread problem faced by millions every day. Some, even after going to the gym and getting exhausted, still have issues with the ease and quality of their sleep. Why? Well, in our experience, the most common cause is stress. So how can we […]
Neuroscience of Meditation
Modern times: Your alarm clock rings early in the morning, but besides your effort you cannot open your eyes. You fall asleep again and after one second in your mind, but one hour in reality, you wake up in panic because you’re late. No time for shower or breakfast. You put your clothes without thinking […]
How to be creative, with the DeRose Method
Creativity is the phenomenon by which something new, and of value, is generated. We are all inherently creative, and our creativity can be applied to any area of our life, personal or professional, to make our experiences richer and more satisfying, and to maximise our positive impact on the people around us, and the earth […]